So I returned to Scenario #14, and played it a couple times, and decided that I could update a few more things in the rules and play again for showtime. Ergo, this is not just an AAR, it is a carefully planned attack that was rehearsed multiple times - and practice pays off.
The final training session ended with the below situation. Like a total Pogue, I trashed the IDF IFVs getting them too close to Dug-in Infantry in a town [duh, POGUE!] where their RPGs and recoiless rifles tore them apart. I then lost most of a Centurion platoon and got a Mech Infantry platoon hammered also. Still, I did take the town! I will just have to write a lot of letters to bereaved families...ugh. Errors in attack management aside, I think this is doable for anyone. I also took the opportunities to fine-tune Red's defense plan.
Below, a trashed but successful IDF force. The M-113 IFVs are all quite destroyed.
So this is the surviving Blue force - one battered MBT, one trashed MBT, one trashed Mech Infantry, one fresh Mech Infantry - I'm lucky this isn't a campaign game, my next scenario would have to be from the last set in the book...where one side has only four Units!
OK, below is what I've learned in - I dunno...a dozen playtests of this scenario - maybe more. Several in the '73 period anyway. The Egyptians Quality is Unreliable, less than the IDF, so need more Units. Accordingly, they've an 8-6 advantage: 2 Infantry on each objective, 2 MBTs, 1 IFV and a 1 Infantry with ATGMs. Deployed, on the Hill there are two Infantry [1 has 3 volleys of ATGMs] and the IFV [BMP1], with their MBTs above woods [w'in 12" of the Hill, but can move freely, the other Units have to stay within 12" of the Hill].
To the Right on the Town, are another Infantry with ATGMs [3 Volleys], an MBT and two Infantry, but the MBTs can move anywhere on the Table. The long reach of the ATGMs are a serious problem for the Isreali player - they have the equivalent of a battery of 88s that are hidden among an Infantry platoon - nothing to dismiss but at peril!
At bottom is the Isreali attacking force.
Below, the IDF has two Infantry platoon, each mounted in a platoon of IFVs, M-113 w' 50-cal mounts. These are hard to categorize, but Light Gun for this battle, mainly due to Range. They also have two platoons of MBTs, Centurions. With the top platoon is an artillery spotter, marked with the small base. They are all rated Reliable.
Below, the Hill force. They have both Infantry able to spot over the crest, and the right [ATGM platoon, with 3 volleys - black die] able to shoot from the crest [and be shot at, if they do so]. Behind them, and touching therefore ready for them to mount up, are their IFVs, with Light Armor and Light Guns.
Spread across the rest of the battlefield, the T-55s are Slow, and Short Ranged [can only shoot 20", while Isrealis shoot 30"], and they can't go Hull Down unless they Dig-in. The Infantry platoon has 3 Volleys of ATGMs and is Dug-in.
The Infantry in the town both touch the South side, and the West and East sides, respectively, and both also touch the road, so they can observe well for their Artillery, a single battery of Medium Guns that are off-table. Their MBTs are ready to pop out around the town and shoot, or turn and drive down the road to make trouble. The ATGM Infantry cover the long gap between the Town and the olive Groves - Woods - to the left.
Positioning Artillery spotters. The IDF spotter viewpoint is in the very SW corner - the X - and looks down the valley between the Hill Objective and Woods. It will attempt to intercept Egyptian reinforcements moving from the Hill to project Fire in support of the Town. On the left, the '4' is a Heavy Battery, it arrives on a 4+ and has 4 Fire Missions [white die]. To the right there's off-table Mortars, 2+ Arrival and 7 Fire Missions. Both can fire smoke.
Egyptian Spotter. One battery of Medium Artillery, arrives on a 3+, 5 fire missions. X is the off-table spotter, who has a view thru each valley and can rain death of IDF advance! The other spotter is the Infantry in the SW corner of the town...forgot to mark it for entire game!
The Off-Table Artillery Spotters represent look out posts on hills / mountains outside the Box of battle, and therefore can't be shot at or stopped. In game terms, they allow a force to always use their Artillery, reduce the gamey "shooting at spotters" and provide a zone to mark artillery availability. In a more realistic setting, this information should be concealed, of course, but I'm playing solo and am too aware of what both sides have!
Turn 1. IDF starts with Initiative and enters the Table. The mech infantry dash to the Woods in their IFVs, while the MBTs push up the road against the town, rolling enough on their Maneuver dice to get into a dead zone out of view of the ATGMs - assisted by the half-light of dawn? The Egyptians shift their MBTs a bit in response and load of an Infantry Uni with ATGM upgrade at the hill onto their IFVs, and look forward to Turn 2's Artillery phase...
Turn 2. Artillery Phase. Egyptians Target the Mech Infantry and roll a '1' for the Arrival of their Fire Mission, so the Arrival Number drops by 1 to '2' instead of '3'.
Turn 2 Artillery Phase. IDF pick Targets but miss their Heavy Artillery Arrival roll, needing a '4' and rolling a '3'. Their Arrival # drops 1, to '3'. The off-table Mortars use the Recon ability of their Mech to spot and Target the Dug-in Egyptian Infantry in the valley at extended range - they're worried about those ATGMs! And rightfully so! They also have the Spotter, who rolls a '3' and they Arrive.
The mortars trash them rolling 3/3 Hits! They started with 3 Dice, lost 1 b/c Target was Dug-in, gained 1 b/c Target was lower Quality, ending with 3 dice for a 3+ to Hit Infantry. They rolled 3x3s! This results in a dice on 3 for them, and it is Yellow b/c they've a Permanent Hit. The PH means they will start with 2 Fire Dice from now on, b/c they actually took losses that can't be replaced this battle.
Turn 2 Action Phases begin, above. The Egyptians roll a '5' v. Isreali '1' and seize the Initiative! They had the Second Action Phase last turn, and now they get to choose either Action Phase, so of course they choose the First and act immediately! Their Tanks Fire at Range on an Isreali MBT but roll a disappointing 2 Hits. Their Infantry from the Hill move into position at their max, 12" from the Hill, and prepare to unload and dig-in there, putting a further damper on Isreali maneuver space near the Town Objective. With 6 total volleys of ATGMs, the IDF will have to attack carefully.
Turn 2 Action Phases continue, below. With this development, the Isrealis Fire back at the Egyptian MBTs but also score a disapointing 2 Hits each, missing the Permanent Hit they need to pull the teeth on this MBT Unit that is right in their face! They dismount their infantry and move them up as their IFVs dash back over to the woods. Sure, they are a target, but if they are Fired upon, it will be them instead of the main effort MBT platoons.
Turn 3 below. Artillery drops, smashing the Infantry with ATGMs, and relieving some of the Maneuver pressure on the IDF Tanks, and inflicting one Hit on the Egyptian MBTs who now look vulnerable with 5/7 Hits. Egyptian Artillery fails to Arrive. In the INitiative Phase, the Isrealis tie the Egyptians who get a +2 for having the IN last turn. With a tie, there is a Respite - both sides can perform Rally or Dig-in Actions with any Unit, then the Turn ends. Next Turn, neither will have the +2 for IN, and another Respite can't occur.
Turn 3 continues. Isreali MBT w' spotter moves into touch with Egyptian Infantry spotting from Town. The mechanics for spotting require that any point of a spotting Unit be able to have LoS to a Target, so touching the corner of the Base to the edge of the Area Terrain - Town - fulfills that. However, it also means that the Tanks, who cannot end a move in the town [except on a Road] can move into touch and spot them back, as well as have mutual LoS at Close Range.
The Egyptians are "Ready" so get to Fire first, inflicting no hits with 3-3-2 as they need a 5+ against Tanks. The Tanks Fire upon the Egyptian Infantry, inflicting 2 Hits despite their protection of being Dug-in with Hard Cover [Town], needing a 4+ and rolling 6-6-1. The position of the Tanks is a big threat, as they've both Armor themselves and a Spotter attached, putting this Infantry Unit in danger from their superior Artillery. So this is a tactical move of major importance!
Egyptian Return fire doesn't amount to much, but their Infantry dismount and take up positions to fire ATGMs down into the valley between the Town and Woods.
Turn 4, Isreali heavy artillery fail to Arrive, as does the Egyptian Artillery. Isrealis keep the Initiative easily, rolling a net '8' v. 2. They choose the First Action Phase as theyv'e plenty of Targets. The IFVs fire on the Egyptian MBTs and manage to put in a Hit each, causing them to depart the table. The Isreali MBTs then score 3 Hits on the surviving Egyptian MBT, so a Permanent Hit on it, pulling its teeth quite well at this longer Range. The fight in the town doesn't progress, disappointingly, so the Mech Infantry Dig-in for their own safety.
Turn 4, Action Phase 2, Egyptians strike back. Their MBTs lash out at the close IFV Unit, getting 4/4 Hits and making it Permanent! Their Infantry Hit the Tank in their face.
Turn 5, all Isreali Artillery arrive, and they severely damage the Infantry holding the East sector of the Town! However, Egyptian Artillery also Arrive, and they put the hurt on the Isreali Infantry staged to occupy the East sector of the Town!
Isrealis easily keep Initiative, rolling a net '8' v. 3, and take the First Action Phase. They finish off the hurt Infantry in the town, knock 3 more Hits against the MBTs [giving them 6, two Permanent] and manage to Activate the IFVs with 4 Hits rolling a 3+, so hide them behind the woods. The other IFV moves up to support the attack on the town, or pick up and retreat the damaged Infantry Unit, as needed, an option available due to the Egyptian MBTs being so banged up.
The Isreali Infantry that are standing by to enter the Town, roll a '2' for their Maneuver movement, which is a total of 4", enough to enter the Town and occupy the sector where the Egyptian Infantry just get thrashed...unfortunately, they were Dug-in so lose 2" and the remaining 2" prevents them from being able to clear the Tank Unit that is clearing the way for them. So, they sit outside their foxholes and prepare to move into the Town next turn, trying to formulate a movement plan. Things are looking up, but it's not all wine and roses...
Turn 5, 2nd Action Phase. The destruction of the Egyptian MBT clears the field of fire of the Infantry with the ATGMs, who fire and put the hurt on the Isreali MBTs! And they've two volleys left... They also manage to Activate their MBTs who have over 4 Hits, by rolling a 4+, and move them into the town via the Road. This puts pressure on the Isrealis, and keeps their damaged Infantry from moving into the town safely.
Now I REALLY regret rolling a '2' for their Maneuver Movement! Had they rolled a '3+', they'd be safely in the Town, getting Hard Cover and mostly out of LoS of the enemy - rats!
Turn 6. Artillery arrive, putting a little more hurt on the Egyptian Infantry that are the key to the Town fight - they are able to move into and stay in any part of the Town, while the Tanks must stay on the road. Isrealis easily keep IN with a net '7' to net '-2' as Egyptians have lost three Units. They destroy the MBTs on the road, fail to Activate their Infantry who are pinned with 4 Hits. They auto-remove 1 Hit, and fail to remove a second due to a failed Quality Roll. The IFVs manage to remove two Hits [erroneously marked as '1' Hit now].
Turn 6, 2nd Action Phase. I forgot to resolve the Egyptian Artillery, so I do, and it totally wipes out the Isreali Infantry. The critical problem is that there is now only one Isreali Infantry left that can occupy the Town fully, and not much hurt on the Egyptians in the Town.
Turn 7. Artillery has little effect. Isrealis keep IN but the exchange of Fire does little. They reposition their IFVs more aggressively to try and clear the West sector of the Town, and load up their Mech Infantry for a quick transport back to the Town.
Turn 8. Isreali Artilery lands big-time on the Egyptians, who fire their last Fire Mission to no effect. Isrealis keep the IN and of course take the 1st Action Phase, and roll well on Direct Fire, wiping out the Egyptian Infantry. As there's plenty of time for their Mech Infantry to occupy the Town, no Egyptian Artillery left, and little direct fire assets, they concede.
Whew! that was quite tense. Still, despite the Egyptian surprise at seizing the INitiative Turn 2, they weren't able to capitalize on it, lost it Turn 3, and never regained it.The careful attack plan, lead by heavy armor, managed to survive, keeping a spotter on the Egyptian Infantry and letting their Artillery advantage - just - play out and tip the scales in favor of the attacking MBTs. Attacking with IFVs was a bad idea, so I didn't do that this time.
I hope this AAR gives you some idea of the clear decision making opportunities that the rules provide. As much of the mechanics are "either-or", it is easier to learn how to think and play tactically, instead of spending lots of time pouring over rules or complicated charts.
The only mistake I made with the Egyptians, I think, was getting threatening with the Armor early. I should have let the Isrealis set their Tanks against the Infantry in the town, THEN moved in with the MBTs, and hopefully would have knocked out at least one Isreali MBT, which would really have helped. Also, their survival would have driven a wedge between the woods and town space, preventing free movement of the IFVs in support of the Isreali attack.
In deployment, I think the Dug-in Egyptian Infantry with ATGMs was well done, altho I could have hid them better behind the woods from Isreali Spotting. Next time, I would put the Isreali table edge spotter in the other corner to provide more support of the Town.
Overall, a great game. The rules worked well, providing the right sort of friction while remaining easy to deal with.
I think it is clear that if the attacker has an Artillery edge, the town is a viable objective. If not, the Hill is pretty much the only choice. What an attacker would do with, say, four Infantry, an ATG and a Tank, I don't know, except to put them against the hill, moving the infantry thru the woods along the way.
This finished the 1940-2020 rules for now, except to back-design them to WWII. If you are interested in playtesting them, please send me a comment indicating that - I welcome more playtesters!
So I bid "shalom" to the 1973 war. I don't have minis for it, so will work on WWII again while I move forward on the 2020 micro armor. Special thanks to Ken for loaning his micro-armor, I like it a lot on this size table. Also note, he is blogging again as Bede [click].
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