Saturday, June 29, 2024

Contemporary Combat Inspirations

This junk heap is now the most important place in this ruined city...

...because I'm behind it!

It's not that hard to find material on modern conflict. But not all of them are useful to the gamer.  I'm looking for inspiration to play, to paint, to make scenery. Some of these really deliver. Others are fantastic ideas for scenarios. Many are free!

This post will be regularly updated as I discover books or films that I find inspirational and are perhaps off the beaten path a bit. I am usually not going to do a thorough in-depth review, as those are usually found elsewhere, like Amazon, and you can check them out.  I'm going to focus more on why these are inspirational and / or useful for *gaming*.

Ratnik gear pics:

New EDIT: July 7, 2024

Kobane - 2023
Decent movie. Incredible inspiration for terrain in both countryside and city, as well as irregular troops [Kurds] and ISIS types. Plenty of painting inspiration here, I will be capturing some stills for my In Country bad guys. Kurds:

13 Hours
From director Michael Bay, 13 HOURS: THE SECRET SOLDIERS OF BENGHAZI is the gripping true story of six elite ex-military operators assigned to protect the CIA who fought back against overwhelming odds when terrorists attacked the US diplomatic and CIA compounds in Benghazi on September 11, 2012.

Based on the nonfiction book "13 Hours: The Inside Account of What Really Happened in Benghazi" by New York Times bestselling author Mitchell Zuckoff and Members of the Annex Security Team.
Great book, great movie - a rare occurrence in the media world.  A book where the journalist and men on the ground knocked themselves out to make a strong account of what happened somewhere, followed by a movie that honored that purpose.  A few scenario ideas, but lots of inspiration for fig painting, scenery, etc.  Bought the book, and watched the movie multiple times they're so good.

Hyena Road - full movie free
The Canadians in Afghanistan. Nicely done if not spectacular, checks the boxes.
Lots of other free movies pop up when you find this one.

Escape from Tarkov
From a video game, Russian with subtitles. Great action scenes involving two "fictional" PMCs fighting in the ruins. Great firefights with some personality and plot added. Makes you want to get the figs on the table, that's for sure!  Wonderful inspiration for scenery and painting figs.

The Best in Hell
Great action, great painting inspiration [Ukraine], great illustration about how a modern tactical fight escalates for a few buildings deemed important by higher-ups. The less you know about modern company level OPS, the more you will learn from this. That it is intended as a sort of propaganda piece makes it even better - it reveals how bad the Russkies have fallen in their propaganda skill since they were commies.

Gritty, explicit, opinionated, and with dozens of scenario ideas, especially of the escort, protect, etc type, often with light weapons. While the narrative wanders a bit into history, his conversation on the fact of Private Military Contractors [aka mercenaries] and the past use of mercenaries is pertinent. It by no means covers the issue fully, but it is an interesting conversation. Same with women in combat and as contractors. 80% is Geddes experiences, anecdotes, opinions, encounters, including a hilarious gunfight in his hotel. About 10% is "big picture stuff" and includes the narratives from others. Another 10% is all over. I got this from the library, and if you are working on some narratives of scenarios for contemporary skirmish wargaming, or perhaps some older ones from even the 60s on up, you will find plenty of ideas in here.  Also, it's not boring.  Sure, you may find some of his "up the British" tiresome, as well as his critiques of non Brits, but overall it is worth taking with a bit of Cadbury to sweeten.

If you have any interest in asymmetric warfare, these 14 accounts of actions in Afghanistan will provide you with multiple scenarios from small to medium.  Some will provide you with several scenarios if you are doing small-unit skirmish. They also are enlightening of the difficulties in conducting operations in hostile terrain, weather, etc.  While you still need to translate these into your rules and a scenario, a lot of the ideas are right there for you.
Best of all, they are free downloads! Altho I bought hard copies of both cuz they are great!

"Fangs of the Lone Wolf" is another free download courtesy of the US Army [CLICK].  You can pay for the book at various sources, or just run with the free download.
Book has plenty of diagrams and is focused on the study of tactics through vignettes.  Doesn't matter if you aren't interested in Chechnya, there loads of scenario ideas and plenty of things to learn that will enhance your moderns game.


  1. Thanks for the suggestions!

    There are some interesting accounts from the Donbass separatists - see 85 Days in Slavyansk and Torch of New Russia. Lots of skirmish-scale actions, like a BMP being ambushed at a crossroads, or sneaking up to shoot an RPG into a motel being used as a barracks.

  2. You're welcome. Hey, sounds interesting, thanks for the suggestions.


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