Chinon...from this distance, looks kinda nice...
When we left Team Bravo-7, they were pondering the next question:
How to depart the planet Chinon without raising suspicion?
Teams 2 & 3 (Security) are pulling watch. Team 2 is asleep along with Oran of T3, while his battle-buddy Moffitz is on foot patrol. Team 4 (Medical) is also racked out in a large stateroom, the opposite one having been designated sick bay.
Moffitz [thanks to an unlucky dice roll] is on foot patrol, crossing the large cargo bay, even as this suspicious looking group effects a quiet entry into the ship...
...could they be seeling "Spaceway" products? Unlikely, they aren't wearing the trademark frozen smile and name tags of that esteemed company...they quickly open the locked main air lock as though they have the codes!
The team stealthily stacks up against the air lock to the Bridge and Avionics area. Here they are also able to quickly open the air lock - again, as though they have the key. But, the alert Flight Team is prepared and the space is confined. Green O & G enter and stand aside as shots fly at point-blank range from the Bridge. A test of nerves and training begins as Blue W & X are called to help, and O dodges into a stateroom. Simpson [Red B] creeps to the closed door...
Even as Blue W & X take positions at the bridge air lock to help their Green O & G entry team, Simpson activates his stateroom door and puts a round into the gut of Green O - surprise!
Meanwhile, the Security Teams come racing down the stairs to find that with Blue W & X taking positions at the air lock, Blue Y & Z repositioned *under* the stairs! These guys are not bad for a bunch of NPC perps, eh?
Still, there is too much firepower present, and the veteran skills of Oran and Phil cut Blue Z down quickly, then wound Blue Y.
A Lively Discussion
2) Technological Artifacts:
After some debate, it was decided to return to the Chinon spaceport instead of just blasting out of the system. As the ship had been gone only a short time, a satisfactory excuse would be needed to prevent curious competition looking in the planetary quadrant where the pyramid artifact is located for Molds, Spores and Fungi [MSF] or other items of interest.
After arriving, a story of engine problems along with putting in some orders for spare and repair parts was circulated. As money was being spent, no one asked questions and everyone knows that you can't fly without a thrux capacitor, can you? The teams settled down for the night, after setting a careful watch.
BWI Team Bravo-7 settled down to secure ship with the teams as:
Team 1 (Flight Ops): Simpson [Tony G, Red B], Hildegard [Bill R, Gry F],
Jerek [Mark S, Gry G], Ship Engineer
Team 2 (Security): Glitch [Tony F, Gry A], Phil [John P, Red H]
Team 3 (Security): Oran Beil [NPC, Red L], Moffitz [NPC, Gry J],
Team 4 (Medical): Heinrich "Doc" [Greg M, Grn L], Gabriel [Mark S, Red K],
Team 1 (Flight Ops) has Jerek and Hilde banging away doing routine system checks [so as not to fly into a star, have a drive failure or a misjump]. Simpson, the main pilot, is crashed out in his stateroom:
Intruder Alert!
But who is this lurking above the map title and credits? Blue People?...could they be seeling "Spaceway" products? Unlikely, they aren't wearing the trademark frozen smile and name tags of that esteemed company...they quickly open the locked main air lock as though they have the codes!
However, the Flight Team was not asleep. They note the warnings that the air lock doors are opening, then are startled to find they can't prevent them from being opened! They alert the ship: "Intruder alert, Eclipse! Intruder alert, Eclipse! To Arms! To Arms!" they state into the intercom, just before the intruders pop the second air lock door and rush into the area of the stairs on the edge of the cargo bay.
Along the way, they encounter Moffitz, who says, "Hey, what are you duh..." as he's taken down by a pistol shot and ends stunned, decked-out. Archaeologist trip-wire?
Blue Y & Z cover the cargo bay and watch Moffitz for signs of recovering.
Reinforcements to the Rescue!
Meanwhile, Eclipse's Security and Medical Teams are not idle. The divide up with Security going down the main stairs to the Cargo Bay, and Medical goes down the shaft ladder to the drive room and a flanking position on the far side of the Cargo Bay. The stairs are faster, but the drive room position could be decisive!
Still, there is too much firepower present, and the veteran skills of Oran and Phil cut Blue Z down quickly, then wound Blue Y.
"The Hallway of Death"
Meanwhile, backed in bridge hallway, Green O waxes poetical, saying "Argh-eth!" as he goes down in the stateroom [Shakespeare never goes outta style]. Green G is losing enthusiasm, only occasionally popping a shot around the corner, barely looking. Panicked phrases are shouted between him and Blue X. They are caught in a crossfire with no way to exfil alive! Blue W has already been forced to turn his attention into the Cargo Bay.
Catching them in Crossfire!
Speaking of which, Doc and Gabriel are working hard for business as the "not-so-hippocratic Medical Team",laying down a heavy fire across the Cargo Bay. The stairwell Security Team spreads out to bring even more firepower to bear, and Blue W and X are both wounded, one Stunned. With that, the fight goes out of the intruders, who throw down their weapons and shout "Quarter! Quarter!"A Lively Discussion
As the smoke clears, the two conscious intruders stand a bit sulky and scared. Team Medical takes Moffitz to Sick Bay as the crew gather around the intruders and begin a lively discussion. Should we:
- question them then set them free?
- question them, tie them up, blast off and set them free in orbit?
- question them, shoot them, then set them free in orbit?
all the time, the cast of toughs are looking a bit less tough...
Finally, one agrees to volunteer some information. It isn't much:
"See, we wuz working in SporChasm TK421, and getting some grub'n slub when we wuz approached to do a little job for big pay. They wanted data and a kargo serch to figger out what you'uns scored out in the wilds. No one was s'posed to ear us, they figgered all'd be sleepin in passenger privvies. Dat's why we didn 'ave bettuh spit-guns. We didn work wiff the kawntrollah direct, 'e spokens t'us seecrit-like tru vid, but the up-front creds wuz solid."
[some thugs just sound like they're mis-spelling nearly every word...]
The crew agrees, with Gabriel's expert advice, that these tuffs are just local muscle, not used to sophisticated jobs. It is likely that it's just a typical local criminal move. While the Eclipse's cover story was solid enough, some folks can't resist the urge to check and encroach on a big score. Besides, if there's Drive problems, perhaps the entry would be easy and security lax.
After further discussion, with Oran reminding everyone that they should be outraged citizens as everything they're doing is completely legal and paid for, they complain to the starport authorities. A local investigation is quickly made, and the tiresome particulars of making statements while the Po-Pos process the scene takes hours.
In response to demands for better security, Manager Holvil Kranstek [twerp, Asian] assigns an off-duty watchman to ship guard. Looking like a stack of skinny with knobby joints and googly eyes, the watchman squeakily assures them that any intruders will have to get through him and his sidearm before gaining entry again! The lawful citizenry of the Imperium has nothing to fear with him on duty!
With all confidence, the crew retires to the Eclipse to clean up and check damage before turning in with a double watch.
More Discussion, aka "A Likely Cover Story"
The next day, more discussion takes place.
With Moffitz on ice in a Low Berth and parts due to arrive to "repair" the ship, it is decided to take on goods, and file a flight plan to Kidashi. Oran Beil works the local contacts given by BWI, and a high-priority cargo is found with an "express" price tag. Since "the money is too good" for Eclipse to spend more time out in the wilds looking for MSF, they alert the starport they plan to depart as soon as repairs are made. They also make loose arrangements for a return trip of high-priority goods.
The parts arrive over the next few days and the flight team see them replaced. Some burnt and cracked originals are tossed into the local waste receptacle for curious local eyes to check out. While "repairs" are made, the express cargo is loaded up. In a few days, the Team has made the best alibi possible, so blasts back into space headed back to Kidashi, the trip taking about three weeks with Jump 3.
With the downtime, crew members train to keep up their skills as they perform routine checks on all the equipment and learn some skills from their fellows.
Home Again, Home Again, Jiggidy-Jig
Upon arrival back at Kidashi, they turn in the following items to BWI:
1) Cultural Artifacts:
- alien knife
- 38 gold coins [flame, system map, engraved]
- textiles in various states of decay
- alien mural images [some infra-red only]
2) Technological Artifacts:
- unknown grey box from lower level [poss astrogation device related to star map in room 17? Similar style to those on Annic Nova]
- Pics of pendulum and floor pattern
- Pics of alien power plant controls
- some data on pyramid laser Anti-Flying Craft device
3) Biological specimens:
- three fauna samples [live!] "snake, rat, bat"
- DNA and bone samples of desiccated alien
- cultivated MSF [Molds, Spores, Fungi]
- three fauna samples [live!] "snake, rat, bat"
- DNA and bone samples of desiccated alien
- cultivated MSF [Molds, Spores, Fungi]
Return to Routine?
After filing complete reports and getting routine physicals, the Team is able to mingle again with the BWI population. The cycle of training, education and preparation begins again, with all members wondering what became of the items turned in, and what bonus will be gained from it? The team is thrilled to hear that Dr. Moffitz is expected to make a full recovery. Well, sorta glad, anyway.
But, all is not well. The usually harmonious and business-like military culture of BWI seems a bit on edge. People are argumentative at times, and a few fights have broken out in training areas and in the mess hall. There's a palpable tension in the air. Members of various teams regard others guardedly, and Team Bravo-7 finds its members hanging together more and more as they try to figure out what is going on. Team Members feel ill at ease, edgy, impatient, and also a bit under the weather at times, without any clear reason why - a few hours later, and they feel fine again.
After a few weeks of this, all are summoned to the main outside area, somewhat colorfully referred to as "the drill field". There, all are addressed by Samuel Troih: a bacterial bug has been brought back from another mission. Despite routine medical checkups, this initially slipped by and all personnel will be confined to quarters pending a thorough treatment of multi-spectrum antibiotics.
Plague and Quarantine
For most, a solid week is spent in treatment and recovery, altho a few who received more exposure need almost two weeks of diligent treatment. Of course, the Kidashi and Imperial Health Ministries have to be involved at various times, and it is rumored that the entire quarter of town is also under lock-down. Team members are able to communicate through the various intercoms and use training materials to keep from getting stir-crazy, but it is still a tense, dreary time.
Shortly after the quarantine lifts, the entire 10-man team is summoned to the Bravo-section conference room. The group presently has:
- Dafydd [Tony F] Team Leader
Leader 2, Auto Rifle 1, Auto Pistol 1, Revolver 1, Cutlass 1, Brawling 1, Vacc Suit 1, Mechanical 1, [Marines].
- Oran Beil [NPC, Red L] Tactician and Administrative Lead, Driver
Tactics 2, Administration 1, SMG 1, Cutlass 2, Revolver 1, Dagger / K-bar 1, Electronics 1, Ground Car ATV 2, Computer 1,
- Nehvar [Tony G, Gry A] Tactician and Security Lead, Driver
Tactics 2, Auto Pistol 3, Revolver 2, Auto Rifle 1, Cutlass 2, Ground Car Tracked 2, [Marines].
- Phil [John P, Red H] Security, Driver, Geological Conveyor
Tactics 1, SMG 1, Carbine 1, Broadsword 1, Ground Car ATV 2, [Army]
- Gabriel [Mark S, Red B] Security
Brawling 3, Blade 1, Gun Combat 1, Forgery 1, Bribery 1 [service?]
- Simpson [Tony G] Sr. Pilot
Pilot 3, Navigator 2, Gunnery 1, Electronics 1, Computer 2, Mechanical 1, Engineering 1, Vacc Suit 2, [Scout].
- Hildegard [Bill R, Gry F] Asst. Sr. Pilot
- Jerek [Mark S] - Engineer
Engineer 4, Computer 3, Pilot 1, [Navy]
- Heinrich "Doc" [Greg M, Grn L] - Sr. Medical
Computer 3, Medical 2, Tactics 1, Brawling 1
- Glitch [Tony F, Red K] - Medic, Jr. Pilot
JackoaT 3, Pilot 1, Medical 1, Mechanical 1, Air Raft 1, Vacc Suit 1, [Scout].
- Tenton [NPC, ] - Security, Medic
Auto Pistol 1, Gunnery 1, Medical 1
They encounter one another in the halls as they respond to the summons. Knowing better than to say anything in public spaces, they exchange glances that speak to their curiosity, the relief of freedom, and the excitement of finally getting back to work!
When all ten are standing outside the large, imposing door, Oran Biel glances around, shrugs and knocks. The security light glows green and the door opens...

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