Saturday, February 13, 2021

Ogre: Objective 218 w' Mr. Winkie -

Combine or Paneuro - the fight between socialist tyrants continues at Objective 218...

Mr. Winkie asked for this game. He is getting bigger - as is his hair. From this angle, he looks like a refugee from an 80s band...[CLICK], but that's the voice of jealousy talking.
Above, the cards laid out, the objective is between, and we are ready to go!

Into out first scrap, I'm pushing hard on the left of the 'board' [created by the cards, the center piece is three "spaces" and next to them on the left are two Combine units - in the right "spaces" are one Combine and one Paneuro unit]. But Mr. Winkie has used a Lt. GEV to attack my command post, knocking out the Howitzer that held it!

I continue to develop my attack on the left, not too worried about the LGEV in my rear...

Couple turns later, I find myself stymied on the left, so decide to throw a right hook at him.  It was not a smooth plan...
I develop my right hook, getting a GEV next to his CP. Then, Mr. Winkie then makes his move - he puts simultaneously puts his Lt GEV into support, and attacks my CP with his Missile Tank, then occupies my CP - DRAT!!
Mr. Winkie is clearly maturing in tactical skills!

Next games, we have some interesting plays to learn. Below, I dropped an OGRE in the right center space pretty quickly.
Altho damaged by his Infantry attack...
...the OGRE continues to apply strong support and supply presence, allowing a lightning attack my my Lt. GEVs!
We then spend several rounds fighting over the space next to his CP, to the right. I keep destroying what he puts there, and he kept fighting for it.
I put a Hvy Tank in...
He cleared it with an Infantry assault...then I deep striked my second OGRE behind it!
Poor Mr. Winkie!
But yeah, his counter attacks were tough, but in the end I maintained my supply lines and took his CP - one for the Old Man!

We played a few more games and settled on a 2-2 tie. A tie-breaker is in the future!

Ogre: Objective 218 delivers on its promise to give you an engaging card game. Altho it is a sci-fi armor game, it feels pretty true to life for the Ogre universe, anyway. There are numerous and many tactics to try out, and my only regret is that I don't play it often enough to figure out more.  A compact and inexpensive game, I still heartily recommend it!

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