Friday, April 17, 2020

More Ars Victor - Even less S**K!

We got back into Ars Victory pretty quickly, a couple of days later, but it's been a bit busy to do much posting. This game went even smoother and easier as we are getting used to how to do things. We played the same scenario as previous post, but switched sides. I was now commanding a horde of junk and Mr. Winkie had a small, elite force with loads of firepower - Shootalicious!

Turn 1. Red deployed first, heading to the center and right objectives. There's more cover there for his units to lay down a base of fire so a good choice. I chose the center and left, since he wasn't going for the left it was a freebie, and the center was the next closest over so my guys had mutual support.

Turn 6. I've secured the left objective and am contesting the others. Having bodies helps. If you can't concentrate firepower in this game, your quarry will likely run away if it of any quality. If it is primitive, then you have a good chance of shooting it down completely. I have more primitive stuff!

Turn 14 or so. I've managed to hold Red's ground and even drive Blue off some objectives, but he re-took the one on my right [far side] and then drove me off the left one! I don't have the bodies to retake it, so I'm trying to push at the center and right now, using reinforcements of my larger force.
My scavengers manage to deal a death blow to his Cavalry Unit on the center objective, which is also his command unit! That really helps...

As game draws to a close, it is very very close! He has 3 Glory and I have 2. If either of us knocks out one unit, we will win immediately. If not, holding objectives removes 1-2 points of Glory from the opponent a turn if we can swing 1-2 Objectives. Everything is very close and no one has any clear advantage or a solid enough concentration of forces.

With the game ending, I make a desperate bid for the right objective, playing a good card with lots of activation points, and all my firepower hits his Heavy unit.
He is forced off the objective by Retreat results, and I occupy it with my Assault Unit!
On the left, I make a "what the heck" attempt, roll hot and destroy his Cavalry - game over! I have ONE Glory point left, and he has none...can't get any closer than that!
Final view of the game from Blue's side. His smaller force got spread out, and the cavalry forces are mobile but weaker, and proved no match for my extra bodies. I pretty much won by destroying them altho I generally lost more Glory because he used the Cavalry to hold more objectives more often.

This was another good game. It is a bit difficult for a 10yo, but not insurmountable. He does like the illustrations which I think are a great change of pace from the "dark future" blah blah style that is also a bit laughable when it isn't too creepy or salacious. Overall, this is probably a game for 12 and up.

I'd like to try some different missions, will probably have to work on a few of my own. Still, a great game, nice components, clean rules, easy to understand and port over to anything. You can easily steal the system, use regular playing cards, and convert to miniatures for nothing. But it is nice to be able to put down an attractive game on a small table and have a great time.  

Can't wait to try out the "not-Eldar" forces!

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