Tuesday, August 20, 2024

"Space Marine: the Boardgame" - Convenient Playsheet

I'm coming at you - dastardly and repulsive 'Nids!

Of course, I'm staying over 1" from any 'Nid that is NOT my charge target...

Well, SM:TBG is not everyone's favorite starter game, and that's OK. There are several other "Space Marine Adventure" games that offer other simple ways to introduce newbies or youths to the tabletop miniatures hobby, sci-fi genre.

But one of the main issues that can slow down learning what is a simple and fun game is that the rules are scattered all over the rulebook. There is a pretty good summary opposite both of the two missions, but it isn't complete. And for a little more effort, one can have all the rules on one page with a large font.

Below, I offer up a collected set of the Rules As Written, which should help new players play the game, and more experienced players appreciate the game and teach it to others more easily - what's not to like!?

There are two words in green: that means I am pretty confident I am interpreting the intent of the game designers, but not 100% and it could be the opposite. I chose the path of more fun as well as a logical choice. The rest is the best I could collect the rules. 

If you note any discrepancies with your understanding, please comment - I may have made a mistake or just overlooked something somewhere. Have fun!

Of course, all the rules [and not the interpretations] are copywrite Games Workshop Limited, 2023. No presentation of them here is intended to infringe upon their legal rights, but only to support the product and help players.

SPACE MARINE: The Board Game: Handbook Rules - RAW

Turn Sequence. Two alternating Player Turns make a Game Turn.

In OS, players roll off - high roll takes first Player Turn; alternate thereafter.

In HtL, the Tyranid player takes the first Player Turn; alternate thereafter.

1.   Start of Each Side’s Player Turn in “Hold the Line”

a.     Resolve Objective Marker if w’in 1” of friendly fig(s).

b.     Choose Tactical Ability – “Codex Doctrines” or “Hive Mind Imperatives”

c.     In Tyranid Player Turn roll d6+3 Termagants, put in either Deployment Zone.

2.   Movement. Move figs up to 6” within below restrictions:

      In “OS”, dice for Spawnings if ‘Nids start Move w’in 1” of an Objective Token.

b.     Moving figs must stay >1” from enemy figs.

c.     Impassible: Walls, Fig Bases, and the board edge can’t be moved into/thru.

d.     Tyranid figs beginning within 1” of Titus cannot move.

e.     Titus can move if he starts within 1” of Tyranids, unless blocked by Impassible [above]. Once >1” away from all ‘Nids, he must stay >1” from all ‘Nids.

      In “OS”, dice for supplies if Titus ends Move w’in 1” of an Objective Token.

3.   Shooting. Shoot at enemy fig(s) in Line of Sight [LoS] up to 12” away.

a.   LoS is a line from any part of Shooter’s Base to any part of Target’s Base.

b.   Walls and Bases block LoS.

c.   Roll to Hit; if successful Target rolls Save – if passed, Hit cancelled.

d.   Resolve each Shot before resolving the next. Titus may Split his two Shots.

e.   Termagants within 1” of Titus may not Shoot.

f.     Termagants may not Shoot at Titus if he’s within 1” of other ‘Nid Bases.

g.   FbF: roll 1d6 when Titus slays a Tyranid – on a 3+ remove a Wound.

4.   Charging. Figs may attempt to charge any enemy figs within 12”: roll and add 2d6 for the total charge distance, then check if charger may reach any Target(s). If not, the Charge fails and the Charger may not move.

a.   Charger may stop moving anywhere within 1” of a Target.

b.   No fig may Charge if they are already within 1” of an enemy fig.

c.   Charger cannot move within 1” of an enemy fig that isn’t a Charge Target; However, Titus may move within 1” of multiple Charge Targets.

5.   Close Combat. Starting with the Phasing Player, Players sequentially pick a fig and resolve its attack(s); slain figs don’t attack so sequence matters.

a.   Roll to Hit; if successful Target(s) roll Save – if passed, Hit cancelled.

b.   Figs can split their successful Hits among different Targets.

c.   FbF: roll 1d6 when Titus slays a Tyranid – on a 3+ remove a Wound.

6.   End. Determine if Victory has been achieved by either Player.

Variations: Titus FbF on 4+ or 5+; D6+1 or 2 for Termagant reinforcements; allow Titus to “carry” salvaged gear until ready to use; play missions diagonally across flip side of mat.

Friday, August 2, 2024

Best Humvee Deal Around? Plus more!

This Humvee for $16?  I'll take 5 Please!

In the never-ending quest to build up great looking modern forces at affordable prices, some time and effort gets sucked into following leads from various helpful people at Fb and other gaming Forums.

When it came to vehicles, there's an interesting tension between finding the right size toy vehicles [die casts can be as little as $6-8 and around the right size] and more detailed resin / metal miniatures from traditional manufacturers like Empress, and finally scale model kits in the 1:48 range sometimes work.

Overall, my search resulted mostly in Humvees being around $27-35 depending on options, which can easily push one Hummer to $50 from Spectre, for example.

As I wanted some pretty "standard" vics with crew-served weapons mounted in a turret atop the Humvee, I felt like there had to be a better deal out there...somewhere. In this case, web searches pushed me to ETSY where I have bought a few resin items now and again.

Walter Norton: licensed Etsy printer of Miska Miniatures, Quartermaster 3D and more, in 6mm, 1/100, 28mm, 30mm and more. Small shop with continuing development of products and service. Shop located [HERE].

Service and Response time: Excellent, often same day within hours.

Prices: Average to Low, various discounts and sales push prices down. Free shipping on orders of $35+

Quality: Superior work on modest order I placed, no "layers" visible, models have been very clean. I've placed a full order valued at $125 or so, but got a coupon lowering it about $19.

Let's check out my test order...

28mm HMMWV HUMVEE by Quartermaster 3D  [CLICK]

Dimensions: Main body is just under 4" x 2", around a 1:50 scale after crunching the numbers Wikipedia offers for the Humvee.  Hole is for the turret.
Note: there is some camera lens distortion in the image below due to the top-down angle and the height of the model off the cutting board. I'm minimized it best  I can.

Comparisons with known figures: 28mm Lord of the Rings by GW.  Remember, Orlando Bloom acted in both "Blackhawk Down" and "The Outpost"!

What does scale really mean?  It just needs to look right on the table, and I think this Humvee suits my figs and table...

Two left Figs, 30mm Enemy Spotted Studios. Right figure, 28mm Rezolution. Keep in mind that they are on 2-3mm bases, so a bit tall next to the model!

Pulling out a bit for distance, ESS 30mm to left, a die-cast car from CVS on the right, overall things "look right" for a game table, IMHO>

I also ordered Technical Gunners, so here they are from left to right: ESS 30mm, Rezolution 28mm, Walter Norton print, ESS 30mm, Walter Norton Russian Kord and Dshk machine guns on mounts. Second with gunner.  The figs are all set up so feet are on the line, and the heights can be compared. The insurgent gunners are a little shorter, which I think is correct as most Western Soldiers are a bit taller [and these are 30mm].
Below, gunner, MGs with shields, unshielded. Note fig is about 28mm foot to eye.

Gunner and MG make nice fit on my die-cast toy from Walmart.

- The Humvee is $20 in a variety of configurations [some $18 or $19].
- The turrets can be purchased separately at $10 for 4 turrets. This allows you to buy extras for your kit-bashed vehicles!
- The Force Recon option is 5 vehicles and 10 Turrets for $80, so $16 a vic!

Overall, I think that this shop is offering the best deal I've seen for me in the Northeast USA, considering the total cost of product, shipping, etc.  Plus there's always an Etsy wild card of a small discount coupon that applies to certain items, so one can get another 5-15% off or so on a total order, typically.

I'm open to being directed to a better deal, of course!

FWIW, I placed my order for a Force Recon patrol of 5 Humvees and some additional vehicles and figures to round out what I already have!